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These warthog photographs include pictures of the first warthog baby born at the Oakland Zoo, less than eight months after the opening of the warthog exhibit plus pictures of warthogs in the East African countries of Kenya and Tanzania.

All photos are copyright © Roberta Stacy and may not be used or displayed without permission.

Click on a picture to see a larger version.

warthog (wart hog) baby warthog (wart hog) baby  baby warthog (wart hog) warthog (wart hog) baby  
warthog mother and baby warthog (wart hog) baby warthog baby with mother warthog (wart hog) baby & mother warthog (wart hog) baby & mother
warthog (wart hog) baby & mother warthog (wart hog) father warthog (wart hog) mother warthog (wart hog) father wart hog (warthog)
nursing warthog baby  baby warthog with her mother warthog (wart hog) father warthog (wart hog) baby warthog (wart hog) baby
baby warthog with Mom & Dad warthog (wart hog) mother & baby warthog (wart hog) baby & mother warthog (wart hog) warthogs Tanzania East Africa
warthog Tanzania (East Africa) warthog Tanzania (East Africa) warthog baby with adult Tanzania (East Africa) warthogs (wart hogs) Tanzania (East Africa) warthogs (wart hogs) Tanzania (East Africa) 
warthog (wart hog) Tanzania (East Africa) warthog eating Tanzania (East Africa)  mother and baby warthogs Tanzania (East Africa)  warthog walking warthog standing
warthog family warthog babies and adult      

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