photographs of Nuttalls woodpeckers were taken in the early
mornings of a fifteen-day period following the discovery of an
active nest in a tree at Heather Farm Park in Walnut Creek, CA.
With several exceptions, they are arranged in chronological order.
On the first three days, the chicks were seldom visible, and
their parents fed them either by sticking their heads in the
hole in the tree or by going inside the tree to the nest itself,
often carrying waste products in their beaks when they flew out.
on the fourth day, the chicks frequently stuck their heads out
the hole, one at a time. On the tenth day, they fledged, the
first at 6:44 AM and the second about an hour and a half later.
At least one chick was still in the nest when the second one
days later, when I returned to take a picture of the tree, a
fledgling was on one of its branches. Photos of the fledglings
and the tree are on page 2.
photos are copyright © Roberta Stacy and may not be used
or displayed without permission.